We offer exchange or refund provided it meets the following conditions:

  • Exchange / refund within 30 days;
  • With proof of purchase;
  • Item must be unused in its original packaging in perfect condition.
  • You will cover your own return shipping cost;
  • The purchase value of the returned product will be refunded but not the original shipping costs if applicable.

In the event you want to exchange or refund, simply send back the unwanted items and we will post you an exchanged item or make a refund. Please note that you will cover your own return shipping cost.


  1. Email us your order details to info@unclebuffalo.com.au
  2. Post your unwanted item back to our service centre in Melbourne: 
    Uncle Buffalo
    Shop 6/5 Harcrest Boulevard Wantirna South 3152 Victoria
    0426 559 008
  3. Once we receive the products and upon inspection, we will arrange for an exchange or refund.

Please click here for warranty and repair enquiry.