Braised Fish 红烧鱼


Fish x 1

Chili x 1 (Sliced)

Spring Onion x 3 (Chopped)

Ginger (Sliced)

Garlic 4 x cloves (Sliced)

Soy Sauce x 2 tbsp

Sugar x 1 tsp

Rice Wine x 1 tbsp




  1. Marinate fish with some salt.

  2. Heat up HappyCall Double Pan. Medium heat.

  3. Pour in oil. Place the fish in Double Pan later. Close lid.

  4. Flip the pan after 3 minutes.

  5. Flip the pan again after another 2 minutes. Check if the fish is cooked.

  6. Removed fish. Saute garlic and ginger.

  7. Pour in soy sauce, wine and sugar. Add some water.

  8. Place the fish back in the pan. Close the lid and cook for another 1 minute.

  9. Add in spring onion and chili.


鱼 1 条

辣椒 1 条

葱 3 条切段



生抽 2 汤匙

糖 1 茶匙

米酒 1 汤匙


1. 鱼处理好后涂点盐。

2. 用中火热锅。

3. 倒入油,油热后把鱼放入双面锅内,盖上盖子。

4. 三分钟后翻锅。

5. 过两分钟后再翻一次,查看鱼是否已经煎熟。

6. 取出鱼,放入姜丝和蒜片,炒香。

7. 加入生抽、米酒和糖。

8. 再把鱼重新置入锅内,盖上盖子煮 1 分钟。

9. 开盖后加入辣椒和葱段即可。

Double pan